Thursday, October 16, 2008

The First

I'm not sure if I qualify for this whole blogging thing, since most people I know who have these are married, which I currently am not, but I figure I shouldn't be kept out of the loop just because I don't have a ring on my finger, so here it goes. (Just realized that whole statement makes me kinda sound bitter that I'm not married, trust me, I'm not. I am completely enjoying single life.)
I finally graduated from school in May with a BA in Dietetics, yeah !! It was probably one of the greatest days of my far. Being done with school is the greatest feeling ever, all that hard work finally paying off, totally fabulous. I decided to celebrate by spending the summer in Florida installing security systems with my good friend Jordan Webb. I met some amazing people and some not so amazing people, well really person (you know who you are), but all in all the greatest summer ever! I even got to go to a Red Sox game. Even though Ortiz or Crisp didn't play and Tampa came back in the 9th to win, it was still fun to be there and make my little brother insanly jealous.
So my summer of fun was not over when the office closed, oh no, to top off my summer job/vaction, I got to go on my very first cruise. I say job/vaction because I was living in Florida for the summer, layed out as much as possible, and got to spend some quaility time at the beach but I really did work hard. But the cruise was amazing, defitantly the best way to vacation in my opinion. Maybe I'll wait to write a little more details on the cruise until after I figure out how to put pictures on this thing, because pictures usually can say it better than words. I'll also wait to tell all about how my car decided to die on me right before my treck across the US and caused everyone I was with to sit in a parking lot for hours.
Well the good news is 5 hours and $400 later we got my car fixed and I drove across the country, making a few stops, first in New Mexico to visit my good friends Alyssa and Holly and then in Arizona to visit Kelda, and Levi and Carter. Breaking up a 2000 mile trip is defitantly the way to go. Then, after 40+ hours of driving I finally arrived in good ole Spanish Fork. It's always good to come home.
I've been home for about a month now, I'm still living at home, I know sounds kinda pathetic but free rent is good for me right now because I don't really have a job. (Yes, I know making me sound even more pathetic) Well, I guess I am subing for Nebo School District but I didn't become a teacher for a reason so I'll only be able to do that for so long, but I'm apply for job tomorrow at Utah County Health Deptarment.......wish me luck!